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Today’s topics: Understand the thinking patterns of your counterpart to get your innovation message across; Crossing the internal chasm in corporate innovation; Product managers for the digital world.

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Espresso 4 U is a diamond in the rough. We strive to provide swift, excellent customer service and maintain low everyday prices. A short downfall of the Brera is its rather small tank that can accommodate no more than 4-5 shots of espresso before it needs to be filled up again. However, for some people, this might not even be an inconvenience.

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What kind of thinker are you?

Time to read: 5 minutes

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Innovators, in particular when it comes to radical or even disruptive innovations, often face the problem that communication with their colleagues is tedious. “They don’t get it”, we often hear innovators say.

A recent HBR article provided a useful insight. It found that there is a small number of thinking styles. The authors segmented by a 2×4-matrix. On the one axis, they found that people think more in terms of the “Big Picture” or the “Details”. On the other axis, they found that people are thinking in “Ideas”, “Action”, “Process” or “Relationships”. Wondershare data recovery 3 6 1 download free. All in all, there are 8 thinking styles, e.g. the “Explorer”, the “Energizer” or the “Coach”.

Tz250 service manual. Our take: Communication theory says that the sender is responsible for ensuring that the recipient gets the message. Tuning in into the thinking style of the recipient and tuning the lines of argumentation and communication greatly increases the chances that your innovation messages are understood.

Link to the original article: HERE

Crossing the internal chasm in corporate innovation

Time to read: 8 minutes

In their hunt for radical or disruptive innovations, many large companies have set up Corporate Innovation Centers, Accelerators, Digital Labs, etc. At the same time, they are pursuing incremental / sustaining innovations in their core business and innovations that target adjacencies to their existing markets / business models and technologies.

McKinsey last year introduced the three-horizon model for structuring. However, as innovation.support’s Frank Mattes https://bestofiles300.weebly.com/clearview-2-3-2-vacuum-hose.html. pointed out in a recent article, this model is not good enough. Spillo 1 6 1. In reality, these are not three separate horizons but an interlinked continuum of three separate innovation playing fields, each of them with a distinct innovation logic. And actually, the latter of these is the hardest one since there are innovations – because this is the nexus, where three different innovation logics have to be integrated into one “dual innovation management system”.

Link to the original article: HERE

Product managers for the digital world

Time to read: 8 minutes

Historically, Product Managers have been the drivers of incremental innovation. Now, with Digital knocking on the company’s wall (think e.g. Smart Products), the scope and the role of the Product Manager is fundamentally changing.

McKinsey has recently published an article which zeroes in on the issue. The article sees four main drivers reshaping Product Management: (a) Increasing role of data; (b) Products are built differently; (c) Products and their ecosystems are becoming more complex; (d) Changes in the ‘execution pod’. It also illustrates the lines along which Product Management could be developed.

Our take: Developing a pivotal role for Horizon-1-innovation (with consequences for Horizon-2-innovation) will require a development of the innovation management system as well. From the six factors that make up a superior early-phase innovation management system (see our ENGAGE model HERE), only the software platform may remain constant. Provided it presents insights from Smart Products etc. automatically (Note: If you are interested in this aspect: Have a look at this MIT article)

Link to the original article: HERE

I'm a huge fan of caffeine. Like, huge. So much so that I've frequently asked myself, how much coffee is too much? Well, apparently, it's okay to drink up to five shots of espresso a day, according to the European Food Safety Authority. Not only did EFSA research recently conclude that consuming up to 400 milligrams of caffeine a day poses no health risks for a healthy and non-pregnant individual, but so do previous studies released from the Mayo Clinic. This is beautiful, because I was afraid it was too good to be true.

Keep in mind this study focuses on straight caffeine intake, not taking into account the other ingredients in energy drinks and shots — energy drinks tend to be loaded with sugar and artificial preservatives. But even allowing for that caveat, this study is still pretty awesome news. The best part? It found that the average daily caffeine intake among European adults aged 18 to 65 ranges between 37 and 319 milligrams, while for adults in the U.S., it's between 200 and 300 milligrams. So what you're saying is, this basically means that I can drink more coffee than I do already? Yes, please! Sign me up!

Okay, I won't get ahead of myself. But it's still pretty nice to hear that I can stop worrying that my heart is going to explode when I'm on a third shot of espresso in a day. In fact, there have been numerous studies that say people who drink moderate amounts of coffee are less likely to develop certain illnesses like cardiovascular disease and stroke than people who didn't drink coffee at all. In fact, earlier this year a new study conducted by researchers at the Imperial College of London found that women who drank three cups of coffee per day lowered their risk of cancer by 19 percent compared to those who drank less than a cup per day.

So how many actual cups of caffeine can I drink? Well.it depends. According to the EFSA report, 'A single espresso contains around 80 milligrams of caffeine, the same as a standard can of energy drink such as Red Bull, while a black tea has around 50 milligrams and a can of cola 40 milligrams.' As such, the number of beverages that will add up to 400 milligrams of caffeine will vary depending on what you're drinking. Curious about how much caffeine is in your drink of choice? The Mayo Clinic has you covered, so head on over there to get the facts you need.

Drink up, my friends — but do keep in mind that consuming excessive amounts of caffeine can be detrimental to your body. Time sink 2 1080p. You can experience insomnia, anxiety, and even cardiac arrest.

Espresso 46

Espresso 4 ' Square Modern Dining Room Table

https://standardsoftware.mystrikingly.com/blog/sketch-3-4-3-vector-drawing-application. So let's keep it under that 400 milligrams mark, shall we?

Espresso 41 Breakfast

Images: Giphy (3)

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